Friday, June 26, 2009

Uncomfortable night, hello jello

Just spoke with our friend Katie who popped in a few minutes ago and Sandy who's with Peg now, and got an email from Jeanette, Peg's sister.  Katie and Sandy say Peg's having a hard time this morning from lack of sleep and bowel discomfort, so she'll probably spend a lot of the day resting.  Hopefully it'll settle down enough to let her get some rest... ZoĆ« and I will see her around 6:30 tonight.  

Jeanette says the good news is:
• That they removed the nasal tube
• That they removed the catheter
• That Peg can now sip liquids and take in small quantities of jello and broth

Things that Dr. Elliott is looking for before she can be discharged:
• Decreased white blood cell count
• Softening of her belly

For those of you who haven't been able to post comments,  email them to me and I'll print them out so Peg can read them in her room.    


Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy, Eric and Zoe,
Phyllis told me about this blog; and I'm so grateful to be able to contact you this way (Great job Eric!) in lieu of person-to-person contact. I want you all to know that I have been praying for all of you and sending you energy ever since I learned this week of the diagnosis and the plan for surgery.
Peggy, I'm so glad that the surgery went well and your healing is proceeding relatively smoothly. I know we don't see each other very often, what with living at different ends of town and me not being in practice anymore, but you and the connections we have shared throughout the years, are very dear to me. Your situation now brings back memories of my own scary bout with illness when I had teenagers at the time; and saying good-bye to the particular incarnation of my professional life. I'm grateful to you for the absolutely wonderful party that you had for me at your house when I closed my practice; Maybe when all of this current whirlwind subsides, there will be space to have some ceremony for you as you enter another lifespace.
Today, the tumor I had is completely gone and I am well. I pray that this may be so for you. If there is any way, at any time, that I can be "there" for you or your family please let me know. Lalit also sends his good wishes for your healing.

Anonymous said...

Jello and Broth? The girl needs a big burrito to jump start the system. Let me know and I will smuggle one in. Lots of healing vibes coming your way,

Nancy G said...

Dear Peggy:

The sweetest song you will ever Hear,
Is the one that comes from your Rear!

Hope it all comes forth for you Tonight.
So tomorrow you will be so Light!

Love to you and all your wonderful light-filled family.


BTW, PK who is the techie in the family, besides Kumar who happens to be in Santa Cruz for summer school, isn't able to log onto the your blog!! HaHa!!

He sends his warmest hello's and we look forward to hearing about your complete recovery! Ready for some chole??

Hasta la vista Baby!