Saturday, February 25, 2012

One day at a time

The flowers Peg has around our front door are waiting for her to come home, as are we.

Peg's doc is honing in on the source of her infection and the specific antibiotics to treat it. He says she'll feel much better when they get it dialed in. She was a little zoomy tonight, but I think it was fatigue...she got a shower in today, which she said was "heaven," but it zapped her.

 Zoë's been slogging through Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and has been regaling us with the gross parts (and there are sooooo many gross parts). She's been with me every time we visit Peg and is such a lively, fun kid. Tomorrow we're going to do a daddy/daughter bike ride on the American River Trail.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Peg's back in the hospital...

Day two. Thursday she went in for her first chemo since the colostomy surgery and her white cell count was up, as was her temperature. That's a "get out of chemo" card...but also a "we're admitting you so you don't get Septicimia" card. She's on wide-spectrum penicillin and an IV drip to get her fluid levels back up.

Zoë and I saw her earlier tonight and ended up picking over her food. She had some clam chowder, half a banana and part of a peach. We hoovered up the rest (beef, potatoes, cake...) Her appetite is better, but she's lost a lot of weight and has some serious catching up to do, at least 2,000 calories a day.  The goal now is to get her ass home where she can relax and recuperate.

She's not ready for visitors just yet. I've intentionally not given out her phone number...she needs to rest and any activity--even getting out of bed to sit in the chair to eat--wears her out. When she's up for it, I'll let y'all know.