Thursday, June 25, 2009

...followed by the Fart Fairy

Peg called at 8:45 to report the... uhh... sweet smell of success! She described said fart as "mondo."

As any of you who have gone through surgery or followed a relative who has, this is a big milestone. Yay!

Thanks to all who summoned the Fairy and pulled its finger. Ya done good. Peg feels immeasurably better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy! Cousin Julie in Phoenix here wishing you much love and a quick recovery. My Mom also wants me to tell you that she is thinking about you and wants those nurses to stop waking you up every few minutes (that's what she remembers from her trip to the horse pistol) Mom wanted to post a comment "blog you" so we'll see if she lives up to her nickname of "techno Jan" We are all sending you all the best and know that you will soon be waving the victory flag. All the news there sounds so encouraging and we are all so happy that Eric is able to set up such a nice, informational site for you. And by the way, Mom can attest to the thrill of the first gas explosion! She waited with much anticipation for that! (Anna and I call it "popping")
Keep on the path to a full recovery!
Much love, cousin Julie :)

Nicole said...

¡Felicitaciónes, Peg! The first fart is the finest one, or so I've heard. And without the aid of beans or other wondrous fibrous stuff! But in all seriousness, it's wonderful news that you're recovering, and with a sense of humor intact, too. Thank you Eric, for the great website. My dad will post something eventually, (theoretically)--once he composes something proper, of course. I hope my 'impropriety' works for now.
Wishing you the best, and many more farts to come!

Anonymous said...

I leave the woo woo stuff to the inner circle, but I pulled a few strings with the fart fairy. So with this inaugural blast it should be smooth sailing from here.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery,
Delco Shocks