Friday, June 26, 2009

Peg's tired but lookin' good

Her eyes are bright and clear, she's smiling, and for some odd reason her hair even looks good after four days in bed. She was only up for about a ten minute visit tonight.  Pretty tired.  

Dr. Elliott wanted to make sure the plumbing was working from stem to stern... so earlier today Peg had to drink a ginormous jug of glop so they could do another CT scan and check the location of said glop as it made the intestinal tour. It took her over an hour in small sips, but she kept it down.

She can make it to the can by herself, pushing her IV stand, and get in and out of bed on her own. Pretty amazing considering it's only been four days out from major surgery.  I can't help but think five years of belly dancing really strengthened her core and left her a lot better prepared for this experience (thanks, Gina!)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

The joys of curly hair, as I well know. Wavy hair counts too. Perhaps whoever was talking about Peg making a modeling career out of this was on to something...she would save a fortune in the hair department, which would have to be attractive to any agency... But seriously, I'm so glad to hear the recovery continues so smoothly. We read these posts pretty religiously in this household; thanks for the blog!