About the same time I took this picture, in 1989, Peg joined a wonderful group of women who have met consistently twice a month since then. We've all gone through a lot together, and they are true and solid companions on this leg of the journey, as they have been all along. I'm thankful for every one of them.
Tonight they held the meeting at our house. Thai food and love--the perfect mix.
Peg started the day out strong-- walked from the living room to the bathroom and back, sans walker and unassisted. Whomped down quiche and melon. Full of piss & vinegar (I know, it contradicts the previous sentence, but hey). Amazing what doubling up on the Fentanyl and not having to deal with pain for the first time in days will do.
This afternoon, though, the granola she had for lunch threw her for a loop. Hard to digest. Lots of horizontal time. Late afternoon found her thoroughly poohed, although she rallied for the arrival of the group and enjoyed our conversation while she was in "social sleeping" mode on the living room bed.
Tonight she enjoyed relaxing in that cushy bed, soaking in all of our shenanigans without any need to chip in or respond. A lot of visits with friends are like that. When she rallies, she goes back to her perch on one of the two big La-Z-Boys that used to live in her psychiatric office a thousand years ago.
Still going through the boxes of old photos. Been sneezing for an hour from all the dust. Can't believe we waited until this point in Peg's life, after hauling them all the way from Colorado and parking them in a closet for 24 years, to go through them.