Today, Zoë ran a 5k to raise funds for ovarian cancer research and awareness, along with her friends Stephanie and Colette and about a thousand other folks. She came in sixth in her age category and number one in our hearts.
Peg needs a lot of encouragement these days. It's a tough road emotionally on top of the physical symptoms. She took a short walk today and said her legs felt alternately like cement and rubber. What weighs on her more is having endless down time without the capacity to fill it with enjoyable or fulfilling activities. Too spaced out to read a lot, not enough energy to do much besides eat and rest.
She needs your companionship right now. When a friend comes by the house and spends an hour or two just keeping her company (talking, reading to her, rubbing her feet) she just seems to soar out of whatever funk she was in. This is her life's blood-- the love and support of her community of dear friends, made all the sweeter by being close by.
The best thing you can do for Peg right now is to write to her, call her and visit her. Several friends have expressed some hesitation around "disturbing" or "bothering" Peg.
Please... proceed to disturb and bother. And we'll load you up with homegrown tomatoes when you leave.