Saturday, August 8, 2009

A contradiction in weight management

Peg's been dropping abdominal weight, and her fluid bulk is way down.  No more 8-month-pregnant belly. She no longer has to hold her stomach as she walks around and can comfortably lie on her back.

Downside is she's also dropping weight everywhere else. Trying to compensate with Ensure, protein-rich foods, anything she's interested in given her diminished appetite.  Down to 121 pounds from her normal weight of 135-140.  Bony little arms, same sweet face. We don't want her to drop below where she is now... any tips n' tricks, please send our way.

Our girl needs to bulk up, and just to complicate matters... she's no longer that interested in chocolate.

There's a challenge for yah.

A big thanks for all of your prayers, visits, food, Zoë play dates, music CDs, helping around the house, you name it.  We're amazed and overwhelmed at the cornucopia of love and goodwill.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Busy but fun day today

Closed out the day with a visit from Peg's women's group.  The same seven women have met every other Thursday for the last 20 years.  Tonight Jeanette (Peg's sister), Marlene and Marilea chillaxified (Zoë's term) with our family and enjoyed brownies, conversation and a cool delta breeze.

Outside physical contact is now confined to "air hugs" as we're more conscious of Peg's compromised immune system.  She was strong and alert much of the day today and definitely has regained most of her appetite, though she's backed way off on chocolate.  I thought that chocolate was essential to female well-being, but then again, I'm someone who thinks coffee is one of the four major food groups.

Peg enjoys visitors a lot.  We're striking a balance daily with her need for intellectual stimulation/connection with friends and her need to "chillaxify" and not get too physically overwhelmed.

If you drop by to see Peg, be prepared to leave with a boatload o' veggies.  Especially duh-maters (for those of you not from Nebraska, tomatoes).  The cherry tomatoes are like candy. Strawberries look like a lost cause this season... just a bunch of runners and some squirrel-nibbled itty bitty fruit. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chemo, round two

Peg will do a four-hour drip (outpatient) this afternoon.  Had a minor freak-out yesterday when Blue Shield was withholding treatment pending approval.  Apparently a twenty-something clerk in a cubicle, in the 20th floor of some nondescript building in San Jose, knows more about a cancer treatment regimen than an oncologist who became a physician before the clerk was born.

Sorry for the sarcasm.  And I'm thankful we actually have insurance.  It's just frustrating and a little scary.