Saturday, March 24, 2012

Peg is one consonant away from Keg...coincidence?

Did our first "home tap" from Peg's belly valve tonight. Got 800ml. We'll do this every three days or so. BTW, I'd say the fluid color is somewhere between Blue Moon Hefeweisen and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Her appetite has picked up a bit. We've been collecting chicken leftovers for a few months and freezing them (the detritus from stripping a grocery store takeout chicken) and I boiled the collection down to a broth tonight. Gonna make Thai chicken soup over the weekend to enjoy next week.

Zoë will be in full battle mode in the Nerd Wars tomorrow at Science Olympiad at Sac State. I'll be there for the awards ceremonies at 3pm...and am thankful she can drive herself to the gig at 7:15am. Daddy likes to sleep in. Seriously.

So proud of her, and glad that it's her gig, not something we pushed her into from our agenda. We're just sort of standing back in amazement with love and delight.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You're delivering...what?

So we're just chillin' and the doorbell's a young man with these things. An oxygen machine and an oxygen tank, in case the power goes out. I sign for them and remind myself to cover them when I put them in the garage so they don't acquire any schmutz.

Today I get a call from another medical supply company, saying that they were going to deliver a "bed tray" but they were out of stock. When I told her we didn't need or want one, she was flustered and had to check with her supervisor. Got back on and noted on our chart, "patient refused."

I'll have a chat with the hospice folks tomorrow. They're being pre-emptive, but it feels like the old Warner Brothers cartoon of a vulture wearing a bib with a knife and fork in each claw.

Peg had enough energy today to help me make the bed. Her appetite is much better as well. Helps to be two days past the tap. Makes me happy to hear her say, "I'm hungry." Had a beautiful walk up the block and back...everything's in bloom.

Zoë's getting ready for Science Olympiad regionals on Saturday. Today she went to early swim practice so she could study this afternoon. "Early" is an understatement...they have to be on deck at 5:40am. If I had that determination and self-discipline when I was her age, I coulda been dangerous.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Full day

We're used to geting up about three hours later than we had to today, but the placement of the Pleur-X tube went well and Peg is now "doctor visit free." We'll tap Peg's belly every three days or so, each time avoiding a trip to Roseville to cool our heels for 45 minutes in a waiting room, only to have Peg woofed from the trip and procedure.

Peg's sister Marianne was fortuitously able to participate in her women's group gathering tonight at our house. The same group of half a dozen women has met twice a month for the last 18 years. It was Jeanette's (Peg's older sister) 61st b-day celebration, too.

Peg hung out on the sofa and we were all gathered around the coffee table, narfing wonderful food, cackling and enjoying each other's company. I know and love all these women so I felt right at home. And a treat for me to connect with both my sisters-in-law face to face about everything that's going on.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Peg's little sister's here tomorrow

Marianne will be here for a couple of days from Denver. Last time she was here  (photo) Peg was in her chemo wig. This time, no chemo or wig...just open arms and deep appreciation.

Not crazy about the circumstances of the visit, but we'll be glad to see her and have her hang out with us for a bit.

When I married Peg, I got the "bonus prize" of all these wonderful relatives, from brothers and sisters and their spouses to uncles, aunts and cousins. Looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garage cowgirl

Working on the trike this afternoon while Peg was snoozing. Zoë was hanging out with me. After she snagged my garden hat, Peg's garden boots and some Burning Man effluvia, voila'-- thar's a new sheriff in town.

Had a wonderful evening with family friends of almost 15 years (our kids have grown up together). Shared a lot of wonderful memories over brownies, cookies and love. We are blessed.

Haircut day

Peg had an appetite this morning and enough energy to cut my hair.

The haircut's kind of a big deal. Peg's been my barber (best ever) for the last 15 years, and for the last three months she just hasn't had enough "oomph." I was starting to look like Andrew Jackson, if he had stuck his toe in a light socket. Wacky, mad scientist hair.

I sat on a towel on our kitchen floor, and Peg perched on a stepstool. I rotated so she didn't have to move around. She just dropped the clumps of hair on the floor. After 15 minutes, it looked like someone had sheared a Schnauzer.

Her energy level fluctuates. There is no "trending up" or "trending down," or even "holding steady." Today (or at least right now), she's definitely "up."