Mahalo to our friend Ted in Maui, who steered us away from the "steak in a can" stuff from Carnation. Peg's doing much better with smoothies-- yogurt, almond milk, frozen fruit and protein powder from GNC.
When I brought this stuff back from the store, none of us could believe how huge the package is. Four one-cup scoops is 720 calories, 13 servings in a container. (I didn't Photoshop in the crepe myrtle trees behind my truck-- they're in full bloom and we're really enjoying them).
Peg's rounding out her diet with the wonderful food our friends bring by and has a good appetite.
Today's chemo went well. Outpatient for this round, and probably the next two. She got a shot to boost her red cell count, which will help her energy level, which is already better than it was a few days ago.
Peg and I were talking in the car on the way back to the house about how much it means to have so many people keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. We are truly blessed having you in our lives.