Spent a little time in the garden today with Peg. Winter vegetables are finally starting to take off-- broccoli, kale, beets and onions (or "unnuns" as we call them at our house). Cabbage, not so much.
But the flowers... wow. It's been in the 70's and sunny every day and they're as happy as we are. We have a hot date this afternoon... actually a threesome. Our partner is John Deere. Yep, that John Deere. They make tractors, but more importantly, all kinds of tubing, emitters and sprinklers. Getting the yard geared up for new planting before it gets too hot.
Speaking of things growing... here's the long-awaited photo of my sweet wife with her soft, minty-fresh hair! We're going camping next week with our friends the Andre's, the same folks we were with when the photo at the top of the blog was taken. Same place, Sunset State Beach, and same time of year. We're so used to seeing Peg with no hair, or short hair, it's hard to remember that last year she had so much hair.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Zoë just finished Science Olympiad, which has kept her incredibly busy on top of swim team practices and meets. I've been wrapping up some major design projects I thought were close to completion last time I posted. Peg's been meditating every day and attending a small dance/movement group for cancer survivors every Tuesday evening.
She gets in a good long walk every day but still has to pace herself. Saturday she saw Zoë compete in two Olympiad events at Sac State, so she was on her feet for over two hours plus an hour roundtrip drive. She was pretty woofed after that.
Not much else to report. We're changing our diets... gradually. Peg's leading the charge. More fresh fruits and vegetables, more organic produce, less animal fat. Stopped microwaving food in plastic containers. Even Meat Boy just has a steak once a month or so. We're looking forward to getting a lot of our food directly from the garden, and inundating our friends with tomatoes!