Saturday, March 3, 2012

Peg's home!

So why this picture? I'll bet when you saw it, you said, "Awwwww." That's how I felt when I saw Peg sitting in her chair, at our house, without all the chaos she's been through the last eight days.

This hospitalization was actually tougher than the last one a few weeks ago, which involved surgery. So good to have her home.

Her energy level is limited, but don't be shy about calling or visiting. Just check first to see if she's up for it.



fishharddierich said...

Good news!

nancy said...

Nice to hear you have the peace to sit quietly safely home. Life is little moments.

Unknown said...

Yea!!!!!!!! So happy to hear the great news. When Eric commented on your hospital neighbor (Old Yeller), I thought that it was YOUR new nick name. Your fighting spirit compares with that of the real Old Yeller. Like I have said before, your spirit inspires others and helps the rest of us reach higher than we thought we could. Looking forward to chatting soon. Love ya Peggy Sue!

Leann said...

Welcome home Peg! That's gotta be the best place to heal.
love, Leann

Sasha said...

Welcome home sweet one !
Love You.