Sunday, February 26, 2012

It was Col. the library...with the port

Peg met with an infectious disease doc this morning, who agreed with our primary doc that her chemo port is not only the source of her infection, but probably has been for a long time. That explains why she's felt so lousy for so long.

A port goes just under the skin below her clavicle. The tube goes directly into the vena cava, the main heart artery. This is what it looks like...purple anodized aluminum. When Peg went into remission in October 2010 her first port came out, and is now in a drawer somewhere. The new port went in last May when she was re-diagnosed. She'll probably have to get another one at some point to facilitate chemotherapy.

She sounds better today and says she feels better. No word on when she's coming home, but she's up for (limited) visitation, prefaced by a phone call to make sure she's up for it. There's no way to turn off her room phone and calls can be disruptive (on top of the parade of hospital folks coming in and out the door), so if you have a hankering to call or see the Pegster get ahold of me first...thanks.

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