Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day tomorrow

We've never given much attention at our house to either Mother's or Father's Day, except for the first one of each.

Tomorrow is the next in a lifetime of days without Peg, but there's no heavy significance for Zoë and me in regard to the "holiday." We've never been fans of "assigned" holidays, with the exception of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's.

Hard to believe at the time that this little squirt would someday become taller than her mother. Or that she could probably pin me in a wrestling match. Or that she would accomplish all that she's done at the same age her dad was just building model rockets and driving around his small town, listening to the radio.

Tomorrow Zoë meets for the second day with her Physics peeps to prepare for Monday's A.P. exam. Michael and I will finish tearing out the old deck. And honoring Peg on Mother's Day? Every time we think of her, or look at photographs or videos, or reminisce...that's our version.

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