Friday, May 11, 2012


Our deck off the kitchen has been steadily declining for years. Lots of rotten boards, and the corner was so full of container plants you'd never know there was another ten feet of yard littered with discarded tomato cages and wheelbarrows. In the top photo, the area from the deck remnants to the right of the frame to the bottom of the frame was all filled in until today when Mr. Coffee nuked it.

Peg wanted to hold off on doing what I did in three hours today (and two more on Sunday when my buddy Michael shows up with his Sawzall) until everything was perfectly planned out. I'm just not like that...drives me nuts to make the perfect the enemy of the possible.

I'm going to put in a redwood fence behind the redwoods and make the whole space a cool and private oasis.  Currently there's just a chain link fence with the neighbor's pool a few feet sense of a real place to sit and enjoy.

I'm sore from cutting and hauling decaying redwood planks and timbers. But happy tonight. This was the right thing to do.

1 comment:

fishharddierich said...

Eric--I can't think of a better place to do that activity than in your backyard--one of my favorite places with the redwoods, the decks, the steep hill, the fence and ladder, the crik and greenbelt. There's always something in there not seen before. M