Monday, April 30, 2012

Loves me them Smith sisters, yes I do

Marianne is here from Denver, Jeanette spent a lot of time here today, and I'm thankful. Rough seas offshore, the port shrouded in fog, no compass or rudder.

Tonight is the first night Peg's spending in the living room hospital bed. Not enough "oomph" to transition to the wheelchair, much less from there to our bed and back to the wheelchair. She's no longer taking in any food, just ice chips, and then only when she's sitting up. Noticeably weaker than yesterday and the day before.

I'm moving to the living room couch in case she needs anything. We were joking tonight about what a deep sleeper I am, and I suggested we run a string from my toe to the bed so she can get my attention (which naturally led to the possible attachment point that would REALLY get my attention). Glad we skipped over that idea--I'll just sleep with my good ear off the pillow. Dodged a bullet there...

Jeanette, Marianne and I sat on our back deck for an hour late this afternoon as the delta breeze kicked in, talking about what is and what's to come. So thankful I'm part of Peg's family and for my two wonderful sisters-in-law. 

1 comment:

Lori.creasey said...

At this point, Eric and Peg, just know that we are all the wind beneath your wings...I'll wish you strength and a bright new day.....