Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tappin' the Peg keg

Sometime soon the chemo will start knocking back the amount of fluid being generated in Peg's abdomen. For the short term, she's been filling back up. Today she got some relief, 2.6 liters worth-- my estimate was just .2 liters off (Reminder to self, start a betting pool).

Her energy has been picking up, but she's really still just good for short spurts of activity. Even reading or watching TV for extended periods is enough to send her back to the sofa. Peg's a big fan of her iPod and the Radio Shack iPod speaker thingy it plugs into. If you want to do something for Peg, a great thing would be to burn a CD of something you think she'd like and drop it by the house. Spoken word stuff welcome as well.

Tomorrow is wig shopping day with Zoƫ, Peg's sister and two dear friends. For some reason she's resistant to my suggestions for either a mullet or a huge, Angela Davis afro. With a pick.
Sooooo tempted to Photoshop that one up for your amusement... but I'd like to stay married, so that's not gonna happen, cap'n.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hi all,

Eric -- thanks for all the updates. Your humor is always appreciated!

Peggy -- good luck on the shopping trip. Something tells me it will be filled with lots of giggles. Even for no reason, once in awhile I used to shop for wigs with my friends at places like the Ross store. It's always amusing to view onesself from a different perspective. I hope you'll send a photo of the winning wig. Will there also be cool scarves?

Tons of love,