Friday, July 24, 2009

First time harvesting the garden

She felt well enough to harvest some veggies and has been up most of the day, reading and being able to sit up for extended periods for the first time in weeks. Gleefully whomped down the yummy mashed taters and gravy our friend Traci dropped off.

Hope you enjoy this walking tour of the garden, which I recorded tonight just before sunset:


Lori said...

Hi all,

I loved the video clip of the garden. You all have green thumbs! I also scrolled back to blogs I missed while up north and loved the wedding series. Peggy, how is it that you look the exact same age as you did 22 years ago? Keep up the good gardening!

Tons of love,

Mirabai said...

LOVE the video and that Peg was out in the garden...P