Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taking a breather in the garden

We've let the vegetable garden slide lately (which is how we ended up with a zucchini the size of a Louisville Slugger).  Our friends Gordon and Candence spent this afternoon toiling mightily to get it dialed back in, and it looks so much better. Thought y'all would enjoy seeing how it's coming along... hard to believe in April it was nothing but walls, dirt and weeds.

We've got strawberries, duh-maters (tomatoes, for those of you not from Nebraska), patapan squash, crook neck squash, zucchini, eggplant, taters, carrots, cucumbers, melons, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, basil, pole beans, an herb garden and a lemon tree. There's a solitary volunteer sunflower, and small birds sit on the leaves close to the stem and peck at every part of the leaf but the veins.  We're scratching our heads over that one. No bugs on the leaves-- they're gobbling the green stuff.

Peg felt well enough to hang out a bit with the gardening crew, and she seems stronger and sharper every day.  We enjoy taking walks in the morning and evening, and she's not wiped out following exercise like she was a few days ago.


Sarah Geist said...

Hi Peg-
quite the fluid ordeal-glad you're feeling better. the garden looks gorgeous and all that organic food without shopping. let me know if you're up for a phone call yet. sounds like a lot of rest is still called for along with lots
of love. sending mine. Susan

Lori said...

Hi Peggy,
Wow! What a garden! What a lovely place to relax and read a book!...Or watch some bunnies come to sneak a bite to eat....Or watch a band playing Sousa some marching through....Or watch 3 elephants from the nearby sanctuary snacking on your trees! Ahhh...there's nothing like a garden. Maybe this will be the summer of the garden?

Warm wishes for wellness,
(And of course, tons of love),