So Peg wakes up with a craving for the sliced deli Provolone that Mark and Jill brought on Saturday. I go stumbling down the hall at oh-stupid-thirty to retrieve the requested half a slice...and she's still hungry.
Imagine a naked man lurching down a hall for the second time in ten minutes, more asleep than not, with a slice of cheese in hand. On second thought, let's not go there.
She was still hungry mid-morning when we "re-awakened." Had an egg and honeydew issues. Peg has kept everything down all day. Yay! I think part of the upchuck-free success was getting acclimated to being upright before going from perch to perch...and no sudden moves. Probably has a lot to do with being low on protein and dehydrated. What the hell do I know from protein, I draw pictures for a living.
Today is an example of our rolling ball of improbability. Peg crashed really hard late this afternoon for an hour and a half, then rallied again. Yesterday she could only eat popsicles, today she wanted real food.
A friend called today and said, "You must be inundated with calls and I'm sure you have a lot going on. I didn't want to interfere."
Please. "Interfere." Peg would love to hear from you. And if the rolling ball of improbability finds her out of it/asleep, there will be a better time to call.
Come for the love, stay for the chaos.
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