Saturday, June 2, 2012

Memorial tomorrow

This is Marilea's backyard, where tomorrow's memorial will be held. Paul Andre (pictured) helped me deliver the rental chairs. We'll set up to the right, in the shade--that's where Mudlark will perform "When Love Comes Home," Estelle, Mary and Karen will perform "The Rose," and Michael Irwin will officiate.

It'll be a little cooler tomorrow, for which I'm thankful. It was 100 yesterday. I'm hoping no one feels the need to dress in black or wear a suit and tie; it's not a funeral, it's a celebration of Peg's life.

Peg's brother Jay, brother Mike and his two adult daughters, sister Marianne & Mark and their two girls, Greg and Jeanette are coming over for lunch in a bit, so I need to sign off for now.

Please feel free to spread the word about tomorrow:

Where: 5901 Hoffman Lane, Fair Oaks
When: 10am-1pm
Who's invited: Everyone
Light refreshments provided--just bring yourselves (and maybe a sun hat)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will be there in spirit.
I appreciate the ongoing updates.

Much love,