Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A "welcome back" for Peg

One of the many ways we've been blessed is becoming friends with the parents of Zoë's kindergarten and soccer classmates. We've all watched our kids grow up together. I can't imagine not knowing them... a lot of great memories.

Today they threw a "welcome back" luncheon for Peggy. Thought y'all would get a kick out of this-- Peg's mouse pad. The photo was taken during a volunteer day around Halloween when our girls were in the second grade. Geneva (possible mouse pad perpetrator) and Jade (willing participant/teutonic warrior and possible mouse pad perpetrator) accompany Bad Teeth Peg. Peggy's got a really nasty set of fake joke teeth that look pretty real. And she's not afraid to use them.

Growing up in a small Nebraska town, I really appreciate that we have a lot of the same experiences in a metro area bigger than Denver. Zoë will graduate with a lot of the kids she went to kindergarten with. And Peg and I have a rich history with them and their parents.

We don't really need a mouse pad, the optical mouse works with or without one. But we keep using this one because it makes us smile.

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