Thursday, August 6, 2009

Busy but fun day today

Closed out the day with a visit from Peg's women's group.  The same seven women have met every other Thursday for the last 20 years.  Tonight Jeanette (Peg's sister), Marlene and Marilea chillaxified (Zoë's term) with our family and enjoyed brownies, conversation and a cool delta breeze.

Outside physical contact is now confined to "air hugs" as we're more conscious of Peg's compromised immune system.  She was strong and alert much of the day today and definitely has regained most of her appetite, though she's backed way off on chocolate.  I thought that chocolate was essential to female well-being, but then again, I'm someone who thinks coffee is one of the four major food groups.

Peg enjoys visitors a lot.  We're striking a balance daily with her need for intellectual stimulation/connection with friends and her need to "chillaxify" and not get too physically overwhelmed.

If you drop by to see Peg, be prepared to leave with a boatload o' veggies.  Especially duh-maters (for those of you not from Nebraska, tomatoes).  The cherry tomatoes are like candy. Strawberries look like a lost cause this season... just a bunch of runners and some squirrel-nibbled itty bitty fruit. 

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