Peg's CA-125 markers (indicators of ovarian cancer) are down from a high of 178 to 11. 20 is considered baseline normal. Three weeks ago they were at 33. And her blood tests showed her red cell levels are approaching normal, up from being very anemic.
Yesterday was still a hard day for Peg... it really hit her hard that she's not able to wrestle with Zoë, swim with her or be as present as she was before she was diagnosed.
still following the blog so thanks for keeping it up. Yea for the numbers!!! It's gotta be awful being so immobile. will call this weekend but wanted to say still out here and so happy the numbers are so good. love susan
Wrestling, swimming, present, chocolate loving Peggy will be back!!!
Hi Peggy,
It's been awhile since I've checked in, but I'll try to give you a call tomorrow. There was great excitement at the zoo today, when I was working with the elephant (did you know that I do that, among my many other talents?)and a fire broke out. I was scheming on how to best avoid the flames, if they got too close, as I was kind of trapped at the top of a hill. Should I dive in the flamingo pond? the alligator swamp? the lions' moat? As you can see, I survived, as 5 helicoptors dropped water above us. Isn't life full of amazing stories. Soon you'll be well and can find yourself trapped with an elephant in a fire (if you want to...).
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